Update:: 11.03.2025

In order to make a reservation of the kitten, we kindly invite you to contact us by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone/whatsapp: 0048 602116670. 

 Our cattery is FIFE registered and working since 2010.

All parents of our kittens have been tested for FIV and FELV with negative results and genetic PDK tests with clear results.

All cats in the cattery have genetic tests and a determined blood type.

Pet kittens always leave to new homes  after early castration. We sell breeding kittens only outside Poland.

The kittens leave the cattery double vaccinated against infectious diseases, double dewormed, microchipped and registered in Safe Animal database.

Kittens receive a five-generations FIFE pedigree, a layette and a health book or passport.

We feed cats with Purizon, Wiejska Zagroda, RC Gastrointestinal and frozen Human Grade beef, goat and rabbit meat.

More information about kittens and the booking check: About Kittens

All litters born in our cattery can be viewed in: Mioty


Elodie Ars Britannica*PL

ELODIE Ars Britannica*PL ♀

BRI by 12 - choco golden chinchilla girl with good green eyes

Born: 13.12.2024

Parents: Ruby Ars Britannica*PL & Starfall Mlen Gucci

BRI by 11 [parents: ny 11 33 x oy 12] & BRI ny 11 [parents: BRI ny 12 x BRI ny 11]

Father Gen Test:  NN AA B/b CC Sl, Mother Gen Test:  NN AA b/bl Cs D/d 

Both parents FIV, FELV, PKD tested clear, mother direct carrier of cinnamon, and point, carrier of fawn and dilution, father direct carrier of choco.

Kitten directly carry choco, they may carry cinnamon, fawn, lh, point & dilution.

Status: dostępna w opcji hodowlanej za granicę/ available for show & breeding

AVAILABLE KITTENS:  We specialize in breeding British silver, golden shaded and colourpoint cats. You can reserve kittens in these colours in Ars Britannica. 

Available for show and breeding: Cat has a very good type and pedigree as is preferably available for good cattery

Available as an elite pet: A cat with a very good type and pedigree which can be reserved for loving home but it's value is higher than regular pet kitten. The cat will leave the cattery after castration procedure.

Available as pet: Kitten is available for a loving home and will leave the cattery neutered.

RESERVATION:: We kindly invite you to contact our cattery by phone +48602116670 every day between 9:00 and 21:00 or by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at any time convenient for you in order to reserve a kitten.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: All information about our cattery can be found here: About cattery. The detailed information about the process of booking kittens, starter pack, pedigree and collection conditions is described here:  About kittens.

 For updates please check the Polish version of our website here: Dostępne Kocięta


Reservation [rezerwacja] - The cat's sale agreement was signed with the future owner of the cat, and the reservation fee of 30% of cat's value has been paid to the Ars Britannica * PL account.

Breeding observation [obserwacja hodowlana] - Kitten is in breeding observation and may be available later. You can ask about the possibility of booking that kitten.

Available [dostępny] - The kitten is available for sale.

The cat is treated as free for sale and can be sold to another person who will meet the conditions of sale first until the contract is signed and the reservation fee is paid to the cattery account.

 Contact: Anna Ferenc - 0048 602 116670, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.